Friday 13 October 2017

Week 5 (Part I)

DAY 11     MONTH 10

Lecture time...
Today, the lecture topic is ethic and security. Ethic and security is crucial for a information system. Why we need ethics and security? 
Ethics is important to embedded by everyone to the use IT to do something bad or criminal. Security is necessary when people can access our data without any permission. 

How government cultivate ethics and enhance security?
Privacy codes and policies is practiced to protect the health information that collected, used and disclosed by health agencies. Besides that, Akta 709 is launched to protect our profile or data from being used by other people without our consent.

Why we need to protect databases?
Once the databases being hacked, the data can be manipulated and will bring negative impact to an organization, especially the databases regarding customer relationship management (CRM). For us, we can upload our databases to cloud to prevent databases being manipulated. 

Vulnerability refers to the strength of our profile being protected. What are the keys drive to the increase of vulnerability?

  • interconnected, interdependent business environment
  • everyone want faster device
  • reduced skills to become hacker
  • cybercrime
  • lack of management support
"Information system can be used for good things, but if lack of ethics, it will become negative!"

Lab time...
Firstly, we have learned about the tips to develop websites. Websites should have flow starts from the first page/ homepage to other pages.

What is Geo-targeting?
A strategy that used to attract more people at targeted place to visit your websites.

Key elements of an effective websites:
     1. Appearance
    • Not more than 3 colours 
    • Font size in 10-12 pt 
    • Not more than 3 or 4 images per page
    • Use of high quality images
    • Keep the page simple with adequate empty space

    2. Content
    • Short and organized copy
    • Update content regularly
    • Interact with visitors by frequently use the word "you"
    • Using professional to write the text content
   3. Functionality
    • ensure every component in the websites work quick and correctly to avoid broken links
   4. Usability
    • Easy to read, navigate and understand
    • simple design, fast loading pages, minimal scroll, consistent layout, logical nagivation by  placing the menu obviously,descriptive link text, high screen resolution
   5. Search engine optimization (SEO)
    • use HTML format in written content. Avoid to use Flash, JavaScript or image-only objects as the navigational items.
    • Use crucial keywords frequently
    • avoid to use too many tables and use Cascading Style Sheets for layout and positioning; keep your HTML code clutter-free.
    • Leverage your links -- make them descriptive and use your keywords in the link text
There are two websites introduced by Dr, and I was wondered by those websites! 
First is Wayback machine, an internet tool that used for website analytic. By just enter the websites address, this internet tool will allowed us look at the evolution or history of that websites. For example, the date of the website being launched. 

Second is We can look through the statistical analysis of the websites from this websites. For example, by enter the websites address that you want to check for, the number of visitors that from different countries will be shown. 

After that, we were having a Excel practice in the lab class. We have learned how to sum up the value from the columns and rows. Besides that, We have also learned to construct 3 types of chart using spreadsheet.

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Week 14

Day 20       Month 12 The End of IS Journey... Time flies. Today is the last class for  course FSM 4401. By the way, Dr Fareed have cover...