Wednesday 22 November 2017

Week 10

DAY 22     MONTH 11

Lecture time...
TOPIC: Transaction Processing, Functional Application & Integration

What is Transaction Processing System (TPS)?
- TPS = real time processing
- A basic to gather all the information/data for use by all functional areas in an organization
-If the information from TPS is wrong, all the information will be wrong from TPS to EIS level

- To achieve performance, reliability and consistency of TPS, the data should be accessible, backup and recovery process should available to deal with system error, human error, natural disaster

The Flow of Transaction Processing:
Event → Data entry → TPS → Operational databases

TPS can be applied in many fields:

What is Online Transaction Processing (OLTP)?
- Information system that used for the management of transaction-oriented application
- eg: Point of Sales (POS) system

What are the components of Production and Operations Management (POM)?
- Materials requirement Planning (MRP)
- Just-In Time Systems
- Project management
- Warehouse Management System (WMS)

Lab time...

Evolution of social media:
                    User generated contents (UGC)- video, blogs, discussion forms, audio files
                                   Web 2.0
                Grapevine (gossip)/ word of mouth (WOM)
                  Positive word of mouth (PWOM)

Today, we have learn and explore two new social networks, GOOGLE + and PINTEREST.

Google + is similar to Facebook, allow us to discovers interest and connects to passionate people.
Pinterest allow us to explores and disc
overs the info-graphics based on our interests.

Besides that, we have also learn how to use the GOOGLE FORMS!
Google form is an application for big data as it can used to record and collect data as well as interpret those collected data. It is also user-friendly as templates were provided for us. There were also many choices available for us to select the way how the questions to displayed.

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Week 14

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