Wednesday 20 December 2017

Week 14

Day 20      Month 12
The End of IS Journey...
Time flies. Today is the last class for  course FSM 4401. By the way, Dr Fareed have covered three topics in today's lecture and lab session.

Knowledge Management System (KMS)

  • the system aims to efficiently capture the knowledge from other people or resources
  • the captured knowledge can be utilized to achieve organization's goals
  • the system has changes the intangible to tangible

Acquisition is one of the task for KMS. IS Acquisition can be achieved by the following methods:
  • in house- use of resources inside the company to build the system
  • outsource- hire third party to create for you
  • on-shelf- develop by own (no change and no customization) 

IS acquisition is based on System Development Life Cycle (SDLC).

Customer Relationship Management (CRM)

  • should deal with internal and external customers
  • work of mouth (WOM) is important- customers will talk good about you

Q: Is it cost effective to retain current customers rather than attract new customers?
A: In my opinion, retain current customers is more cost effective because less effort will do to maintain the sales and revenue for long term period.

Supply Chain Management (SCM)

  • relate to traceability- so that easily to trace origin problem when there has product return
  • allowed organization to deal with 3 segments:
  1. upstream-related to suppliers
  2. downstream- related to customers/ end users
  3. internal- related to industry's processing system
Supply chain can be flow forward and backward according to different situations.

  • Strategic solutions to supply chain problems:
  1. vertical integration - to gain control of suppliers
  2. Just-in-time inventory
  3. information sharing

  • Technology: inventory management system -automatic replenish the new coming and available stock

During lab session, we had received a surprise given by Dr Fareed, that was to complete an assignment (a short write up regarding supply chain) in 15 minutes. It made all of us stressful and nervous but still enjoy it  because it was a good experience to test our ability.

Finally, Dr Fareed had explain with us the ethics and things that can and cannot do at social media in order to retain followers. Here come the end of class FSM 4401. I am here to thanks for the guidnce of Dr Fareed along this semester and had brought a lot of new experience for us to explore. Last but not least, good luck to all my friends on final exam!!

Wednesday 13 December 2017

Week 13

Day 13            Month 12

A Trip to Global Entrepreneurship Community (GEC) Summit 2017

Today, Dr Fareed had brought our class to  Global Entrepreneurship Community (GEC)  held at KLCC Convention Centre. It was a fruitful trip and I have explored a lot of new things and useful knowledge. Besides that, I am also wondering with the contributions of entrepreneurs from local as well as global. We reached there at around 10 am and leave at 4 pm. 

I am the participant of GEC Summit 2017!!

I have joined the lab regarding E-commerce and retail with the topic of " Supply Chain Asia: Innovation Playground". Mr Paul Lim, who come from Singapore, was the speaker for the lab. Through this lab session, I have gained the knowledge regarding the revolution of industry 4.0 and how it affects the future's retail field. 

What is Industry 4.0?
Industry 4.0 made up by three components:

  1. Autonomous Technologies- technology without human efforts (eg: autonomous warehouse robots)
  2. Internet of Things (IOT)- physical devices or appliances connect with the software or sensors to exchange data
  3. Data analytics- to obtain information from data with the aid of software or specialized systems

The speaker had highlighted the benefits of robotics which helps to reduce the human efforts, in case improve the efficiency due to less error caused by human factors. I think the robotic system can be apply in food industry that the errors should be minimized in order to maintain quality of food.

In addition, we have also visit to the exhibition which showed the works from global and local entrepreneurs and inventors. I was shocked with the advancement of technologies today and I realized more and more things are related by information system.

The robot is dancing!!

Wednesday 22 November 2017

Week 10

DAY 22     MONTH 11

Lecture time...
TOPIC: Transaction Processing, Functional Application & Integration

What is Transaction Processing System (TPS)?
- TPS = real time processing
- A basic to gather all the information/data for use by all functional areas in an organization
-If the information from TPS is wrong, all the information will be wrong from TPS to EIS level

- To achieve performance, reliability and consistency of TPS, the data should be accessible, backup and recovery process should available to deal with system error, human error, natural disaster

The Flow of Transaction Processing:
Event → Data entry → TPS → Operational databases

TPS can be applied in many fields:

What is Online Transaction Processing (OLTP)?
- Information system that used for the management of transaction-oriented application
- eg: Point of Sales (POS) system

What are the components of Production and Operations Management (POM)?
- Materials requirement Planning (MRP)
- Just-In Time Systems
- Project management
- Warehouse Management System (WMS)

Lab time...

Evolution of social media:
                    User generated contents (UGC)- video, blogs, discussion forms, audio files
                                   Web 2.0
                Grapevine (gossip)/ word of mouth (WOM)
                  Positive word of mouth (PWOM)

Today, we have learn and explore two new social networks, GOOGLE + and PINTEREST.

Google + is similar to Facebook, allow us to discovers interest and connects to passionate people.
Pinterest allow us to explores and disc
overs the info-graphics based on our interests.

Besides that, we have also learn how to use the GOOGLE FORMS!
Google form is an application for big data as it can used to record and collect data as well as interpret those collected data. It is also user-friendly as templates were provided for us. There were also many choices available for us to select the way how the questions to displayed.

Wednesday 15 November 2017

Week 9

DAY 15     MONTH 11

Presentation Day for CIP-UPM

Here's come the week 9 of this semester, and today is the date for the presentation of our CIP Project (CIP-UPM). Every groups were presented their website that created for the food companies in front of Dr Fareed and the boss of the company. We were created a websites by using for our company, Char-taro In Da House. Besides website, we have also conducted the marketing analysis by accessing the SWOT of company in order to convince the company that the important of website. Our group was taken the first slot to present our work and this made us feel a bit nervous on this morning.

Fortunately, the bosses of Char-taro were still satisfied with our work. However, I think we still have many things or areas have to improve while watched the websites created by other groups. The websites from other groups were such amazing, impressive, and creative that evoke us to explore more functions in Therefore, we decided to improve our websites by connect the location of the company to Waze in order to increase the convenience of customers to get the way to Char-taro.

Our group photo with Bosses of Char-taro and Dr Fareed after presentation.

The websites created by our group to Char-taro.

We really appreciate the acceptance of Char-taro to giving us the chance to complete our project and thanks to their assistance by not hesitate to provide us the information needed. In addition, I am proud to have a good team as all the group members were helpful and tolerate with each others. I have also found the joy from creating the website. Last but not least, I am appreciate and thank for Dr Fareed to giving us such a wonderful opportunity for us to experience such a formal presentation that will possible happens in future.

Wednesday 8 November 2017

Week 8

DAY 8     MONTH 11

All about E- COMMERCE...
How is the traditional transaction?
- Repeating the steps of request quotation and reply quotation
- The process is time consumed

Now is the time for Electronic Data Interchange (EDI) system!
- EDI is the transfer of data between the computer systems by standardize the message instead of the intervention of people
- EDI allows companies from different countries to exchange their data electronically via computer system

What is Internet of Things (IOT)?
- anything related to internet which enable the things to connect and exchange data
- eg: kitchen display system applied in Burger King and McDonald
- however, it will not works when there is no internet

Contributing factors to E-commerce:
- wide availability of internet connection
- education (computer literate generation)
- busy lifestyle
- traffic jam
- bureaucracy

(Tesco Home Plus Korea - just capture the picture of the object and shop it)

What is block chain?
- transaction between internet users and the digital assets are being transferred
- bitcoins (digital money) are used
- many blocks (list of records) that connect together and secure cryptographically
- everybody can access to the blocks/ records of information, and any amendment or update of information can be detected and controlled
- therefore, block chain can prevent the money lawring


Saturday 4 November 2017

Week 7

DAY 1     MONTH 11

What is augmented reality?
Augmented reality utilizes the conditions from existing real environment and combine it with the virtual environment in order to enhance the perception of users towards reality. One of the example is "Pokemon Go".

How was the web evolution?
Began from email on around 1970 s, to web 1.0 with only give information to visitors, then web 2.0 which provides communication and interaction with visitors (eg: O' Reilly), and now the web 3.0 which related to apps was released.

Website evolution model (Kalvayanam and Helvson, 2013):
1. email existence
2. websites existence
3. interactive websites
4. loyalty building features

What is apps?
Computer programs that are ran on the mobile devices such as smartphone and pad.

Trend of e-marketing today...

  • selling fresh products such as fresh vegetables and fresh fruit online

E-commerce VS E-business
E-commerce: buying and selling of goods and transaction of funds via online.
E-business: carry out business process via online, online transaction not necessary available.
- Selling a tangible product is not a pure -commerce, but considered as partial e-commerce.

What is hologram?
Using the technique of scattering the light (or known as holography) to present the image in a 3-dimensional appearance.

Sunday 29 October 2017

Week 6

DAY 25     MONTH 10

Lecture time...

Today's Topic: Data Management!!! 

What is Data Management?
Development of practices, procedures or policies for effective information management.

What is Data?

  • Profession
  • Information
  • Analysis tool to determine the pattern and trend
  • 4G????? 

What is Big Data?
Extremely large data that have to be processed to analyse the pattern and trend.

Why we need Big Data?
when you want to use all the data obtained and use it for various functions.

How to process big data?
We need data mining to convert raw data into useful information.

Steps For Data Mining:

What are the examples of  data collection mechanism?

  • Radio-Frequency Identification (RFID) : Scanning barcode, PLUS
  • Transaction Processing System (TPS) : Electronic cash register (ECR)

Lab time...
Software and apps can be used to edit photos:

  • photoshop
  • be funky
  • canvas
  • photogrid
Steps to filter legal photo in Goocle image: 

  1. Search image
  2. Tools
  3. Usage rights
  4. Labeled for reuse
Otherwise, you can visit to get pictures free for use.

Netiquette = Net Ettiquette
  • Rule 1: Remember the Human
  • Rule 2: Adhere to the same standards of behavior online that you follow in real life
  • Rule 3: Know where you are in cyberspace
  • Rule 4: Respect other people's time and bandwidth
  • Rule 5: Make yourself look good online
  • Rule 6: Share expert knowledge
  • Rule 7: Help keep flame wars under control
  • Rule 8: Respect other people's privacy
  • Rule 9: Don't abuse your power
  • Rule 10: Be forgiving of other people's mistakes

  • A website provide video conferencing function via web
  • Easy to use
  • Provide translation

Friday 13 October 2017

Week 5 (Part II)


  1. Review of Ethics, Privacy and Security
  • Ethic is very important to control the cyber crime in order to protect our privacy from being access by others without consent. Therefore, laws or policies should be implemented to control the unethical activities through information system. On the other hand, we should be aware of the security of our profile or data especially those published in social media. 

     2. Why you need skills of spreadsheet?

  • Spreadsheet is a very useful tools for all kind of industries. It save our time and effort to analyse the data since we can use a very simple way to calculate the data we need. Therefore, it is important for us to learn the skills of spreadsheet in this fast-paced environment. In addition, we can also draw all types of charts and graph in just a few minutes. Spreadsheet also provides many type of designs for us to decorate our charts automatically. By learning the skills of spreadsheet, it will become an extra advantage on future workplace life. Besides that, we should also have to learn spreadsheet skills in order to analyse our data in our final year project. 

Week 5 (Part I)

DAY 11     MONTH 10

Lecture time...
Today, the lecture topic is ethic and security. Ethic and security is crucial for a information system. Why we need ethics and security? 
Ethics is important to embedded by everyone to the use IT to do something bad or criminal. Security is necessary when people can access our data without any permission. 

How government cultivate ethics and enhance security?
Privacy codes and policies is practiced to protect the health information that collected, used and disclosed by health agencies. Besides that, Akta 709 is launched to protect our profile or data from being used by other people without our consent.

Why we need to protect databases?
Once the databases being hacked, the data can be manipulated and will bring negative impact to an organization, especially the databases regarding customer relationship management (CRM). For us, we can upload our databases to cloud to prevent databases being manipulated. 

Vulnerability refers to the strength of our profile being protected. What are the keys drive to the increase of vulnerability?

  • interconnected, interdependent business environment
  • everyone want faster device
  • reduced skills to become hacker
  • cybercrime
  • lack of management support
"Information system can be used for good things, but if lack of ethics, it will become negative!"

Lab time...
Firstly, we have learned about the tips to develop websites. Websites should have flow starts from the first page/ homepage to other pages.

What is Geo-targeting?
A strategy that used to attract more people at targeted place to visit your websites.

Key elements of an effective websites:
     1. Appearance
    • Not more than 3 colours 
    • Font size in 10-12 pt 
    • Not more than 3 or 4 images per page
    • Use of high quality images
    • Keep the page simple with adequate empty space

    2. Content
    • Short and organized copy
    • Update content regularly
    • Interact with visitors by frequently use the word "you"
    • Using professional to write the text content
   3. Functionality
    • ensure every component in the websites work quick and correctly to avoid broken links
   4. Usability
    • Easy to read, navigate and understand
    • simple design, fast loading pages, minimal scroll, consistent layout, logical nagivation by  placing the menu obviously,descriptive link text, high screen resolution
   5. Search engine optimization (SEO)
    • use HTML format in written content. Avoid to use Flash, JavaScript or image-only objects as the navigational items.
    • Use crucial keywords frequently
    • avoid to use too many tables and use Cascading Style Sheets for layout and positioning; keep your HTML code clutter-free.
    • Leverage your links -- make them descriptive and use your keywords in the link text
There are two websites introduced by Dr, and I was wondered by those websites! 
First is Wayback machine, an internet tool that used for website analytic. By just enter the websites address, this internet tool will allowed us look at the evolution or history of that websites. For example, the date of the website being launched. 

Second is We can look through the statistical analysis of the websites from this websites. For example, by enter the websites address that you want to check for, the number of visitors that from different countries will be shown. 

After that, we were having a Excel practice in the lab class. We have learned how to sum up the value from the columns and rows. Besides that, We have also learned to construct 3 types of chart using spreadsheet.

Saturday 7 October 2017

Week 4

DAY 04      MONTH 10

Lecture time...
It was a cloudy morning. But we don't feel cloudy because we were having our third IS class today:) The topic of today's class is e-commerce and global collaboration. As we know, to survive or succeed in a  marketplace, the businesses should have their competitive advantages. Nowadays, information technology is potential to become the competitive advantage of a business. Today, we can easily found many people start their online business through social mediasss. Besides that, many virtual companies also have their own Facebook pages or official instagram in order to communicate with customers. Although social medias are easy (and FREE!) to use and can attract more people, a business still need the website because it is more formal and official so that can gain the trust of customers. ( thinking of our CIP now... ) 

Let's talk about the story of FireFox web browser. I think most people are the ex-users of Internet Explore (IE) right?? I think most of you abandon IE is because can't endure the slow loading speed right?(shhh). Actually, the IE became so miserable is because of the hard work of a bunch of foxes (hackers)! This bunch of hackers were on the line and held the same goal, that was kick IE out. They dreamed to replace the position of IE as the leading of web browser in world and finally develop the "FireFox". They use the idea of somewhat awesome, so called open source to operate FireFox. The open source idea is aimed to make all the things the internet be free to access, in other words we can download and use that web browser for free. For your information, one of the open source example around us is Massive Open Online Course (MOOC).

Bussiness via internet is known as e-business or e-commerce. I was wondering that both terms are not the same. What is the main difference between e-business and e commerce??
e-business ➙ no online transaction
e-commerce ➙ provide online transaction

Diffusion of innovation (DOI) curve:

Innovators are those develop a completely new things. Early adopters are tend to accept a completely new things. Most of the people are early majority and late majority that fear to accept a new things. While laggards those old fashion that resist of any new things. What type of people you are?

Lab time...

It was my first time access to Before that, I have saw it's advertisement on youtube but I don't mind it. is a website creator that can help us to create our own website for FREE!!! As long as we have a email address or Facebook account. The advantages of is website editor are that it has many types of fashionable template styles for us to choose and we don't need to create and design the icons by ourselves. In my opinion, is not so hard to operate and it has many features that are interesting. Most important, all the design of the website are following the trends today (claps).

The class was ended with a task, that was to create our own personal website using as for a practice to prepare our CIP. 

Wednesday 27 September 2017

Week 3

DAY 27      MONTH  09 

Lecture Session...
Today is the third week of semester and we had our second class for course FSM 4401. From the two hours class in the morning, Dr Fareed has explained with us the DOI (diffusion of innovation). According to DOI, the sequence move towards the website today is as shown as below:
    Non-digitalize ⇨ email ⇨ blogging ⇨ website ⇨ web 2.0 ⇨ web 3.0.

I also gained the some new knowledge regarding the knowledge economy (k-economy). I learned how to differentiate data, information and knowledge as well as knew an advanced knowledge system, so called wisdom. Data is just the numbers with no meaning. Information is the meaningful result interprets from data. Then, knowledge and wisdom which are more advance are used in decision making.  I just realized how important of data since false data will causing all the information and knowledge interpret or determine wrongly. Besides that, Dr also shared some informative, funny real life examples with us that made me easier to penetrate those knowledge gained from lecture>_<

Lab Session...
This was the first time we having our lab session for this course. From the three hours lab class, I have learned a lot of new things and I like the most was known to create a blog!!! I remember that few years ago (maybe more than 6 years??) I was loved to visit the blogs and was hoped one day I can create my own blog and manage it properly like other famous bloggers. By the way, I didn’t know how to create a blog that time and had no time to manage as well. Finally, I got a chance to create my own blog in final year of university life. Haha! In my mind, I think that create a blog is difficult but now I just realized it was a simple process. However, I think it is difficult to design the blog because its system is more complicated. I have to spend more time in learning how to tools provided by the blog web. 

Next, we have been advised to fully use the Google apps because these are free to use. From this lesson, I am wondering how good the Google apps are. Currently, I am using Gmail and Google drive frequently but seldom use Google sheet. I was also learned to use some new apps such as Google slides and Google form. By connecting or uploading our important files to online apps, we can prevent those files or data from missing due to some uncontrollable events such as breakdown or missing of gadgets. Besides that, Dr Fareed also gave some briefing on our CIP, that is creates a website to a food company or restaurant. I think it will be a challenging project for us... In a nutshell, we were having a happily and valuable 5 hours class that day :)   

Week 14

Day 20       Month 12 The End of IS Journey... Time flies. Today is the last class for  course FSM 4401. By the way, Dr Fareed have cover...